Bathroom – Laufen

Bærekraftig Baderom – Laufen

LAUFEN produserer produkter som gjør at vann, som er en verdifull ressurs, brukes med måte og dermed viser sitt engasjement for å bevare denne viktige naturressursen. Det legges derfor stor vekt på en mer miljøtilpasset drift. Det gjelder alle ressurser som brukes (energi, råvarer og vann). Dette står i fokus gjennom hele produksjonen. Denne optimaliseringen av ressurser som trengs for produksjon, starter helt fra utviklingen av nye produkter og konsepter, og fortsetter gjennom hele produksjonskjeden.

Finn produkter på hjemmesiden: Servanter, Toaletter, Dusjkar, Installasjonssystemer, Bideer, Urinaler, Badekar, Armatur, Baderomsmøbler.


In Austria, LAUFEN was awarded the «EMAS Environment Prize 2007» for its exemplary environmental management. The Swiss factory in Laufen has carried the label of the Swiss Energy Agency for Industry (EnAW) since 2006, which recognizes it as a company which is actively committed to voluntary climate protection. LAUFEN also actively looks for environmentally friendly solutions for many of its products. The high gloss surface finish of the mimo range of bathroom furniture, for example, is made of recycled PET material. LAUFEN, however, also places a great deal of emphasis on making products of outstanding quality – as numerous internationally-recognized product certificates and standards testify.


The Swiss Q-Plus symbol certifies compliance of our products with the European standard and the established more exacting Swiss standard. This is an important aspect for LAUFEN, as only durable, low-wear products deserve to be called environmentally-friendly – after all, avoidance comes before recycling. LAUFEN thus helps customers to live in harmony with the environment and reduce energy costs. Our products therefore also feature the latest energy and water-saving technologies, such as the newest generation of water-saving WCs: several LAUFEN toilets flush using an optional 4.5 or 3 litres dual flush system as opposed to 6 or 3 litres conventional WCs.

We also have particularly efficient urinals that require no more than 1 litre of water for flushing. For the public sector, we even have urinals with a special low-maintenance siphon: 0-litre solution.

Laufen anerkjent dokumentasjon

ISO14001 sertifisert miljøledelse
ISO9001 sertifisert kvalitetsstyring