Lightweight filling material/insulation for foundation – Glasopor foam glass

Glasopor is the lightest granular building material on the market. It is made of 20 % glass, and 80 % air.

It’s unique qualities lead to reduced transport and construction time, which means reduced cost, and reduced impact on the environment.

Technical Descritpion

Technical Specifications
Glasopor 10-60 Method Measure
Grain size NS-EN 933-1 10-60mm
Dry density NS-EN 1097-3 180 kg/m³
Particle density NS-EN 1097-6 380 kg/m³
Resistance to crushing (by 20% compression) 770 kPa
Dimensioning gravity density in filling NS-EN 1097-3 3.0 kN/m³
Dimensioning gravity density against flotation NS-EN 1097-3 2.2 kN/m³ *
Suction height NS-EN 1097-10 170mm
Volume change by compression NS-EN 1097-10 15-25%
Friction angle 45°
Thermal conductivity (dry) NS-EN 12667 0.097 W/mK
Thermal conductivity (wet) NS-EN 12667 0.107 W/mK
Freeze-thaw resistance NS-EN 13055-2 0.2%
Maximum layer thickness before compression Retaining walls/abutments 0.6m
Light filling 1.0m
Ditches 0.3m
Compression Crawler machinery with belt pressure < 50 kN/m²
Plate vibratory compactor 50-200kg
Static load Maximum pressure 80-120 kN/m²
*Remember that Glasopor has a density that is lower than for water which is around 1000 kg/m³. Therefore, use caution when working where water can occur.
Environmental documentation

Environmental Product Declaration

ISO14001 – Environmental Management System

ISO9001 – Quality Management System

