Ull isolasjon til yttervegg – LanaTerm Polar

LanaTerm Polar er det fremste produktet i LanaTerm-serien. Med den høyeste tettheten av LanaTerm-produkter, mellom 30 og 32 kg/m³, er dette produktet ideelt for isolering av yttervegger. Den termiske ledningsevnen på 0.032 W/mK er uovertruffen annen isolasjon i byggebransjen. Denne isolasjonen produseres i form av batts – tykke plater eller ruller.

Fordeler ull isolasjon fra LanaTerm

  • Forbedrer luftkvalitet i innemiljø
  • Fuktkontroll
  • Lydisolasjon
  • Enkel installasjon med matter og uten verneutstyr
  • Ull er 100% naturlig og kan gjenbrukes eller resirkuleres igjen og igjen.
  • Minst brennbar isolasjon
  • LanaTerm har ISO14001 – sertifisert miljøledelsessystem

LanaTerm Polar (English)

It is the premium product of the LanaTerm range. With the highest density of LanaTerm products, between 30 and 32 kg / mc, this product is ideal for insulating the exterior walls of a structure. The thermal conductivity of 0.032 W / mK is unmatched by any other insulation in the building industry. This product is produced in form of batts.


ISO14001 – Certified Environmental Management system
Sheep’s wool insulating rolls and mats – used for thermal insulation and soundproofing in buildings, in particular attics, metal or wooden constructions and industrial installations, pipelines and building installations not subject to the requirements of the Fire Resistance Directive.
Contact us for  Technical Datasheet:
Post@Greenbuilt.no / +47 47847774
Improves indoor air quality. Buildings often contain contaminants (VOCs) emitted by newly installed materials or furniture. The special effect of sheep’s wool fiber can permanently bind chemicals such as formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and remove them from the air.
Controls humidity. LanaTerm can absorb one-third of its own weight in moisture without losing its insulation properties.
Sound absorbtion. Wool fiber is unique in its ability to simultaneously reduce environmental noise, contact noise and sound transmission. The Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) is the average of noise absorption coefficients and ranges between 0.85-0.95. A NRC=0 indicates a perfect reflection, NRC=1 indicates perfect absorption.
Easy to install. One of the main reasons why we love sheep’s wool and we recommend it so much is that it’s very easy to work with. You do not need any protective equipment, it does not cause itching, it does not cause allergies. LanaTerm is safe and harmless.
100% natural. Sheep’s wool is sustainable. LanaTerm is 100% a natural product. Since sheep naturally produce wool, only a fraction of energy is consumed as opposed to production of other equivalent man-made insulation. The biggest part of this energy is needed to wash the wool before it is processed in our factory.
It is from a natural source, it grows again and again without a specific input and is therefore truly renewable, not to mention 100% recyclable.

The least flammable. Sheep wool is the least flammable of all natural fibers due to its high nitrogen content. The ignition temperature is 560 ° C, which is approximately twice as hot as that of wood (270 ° C). For combustion, an oxygen content of min. 25% is needed. Because in the surrounding air the oxygen content is only 21%, the flames are strongly inhibited.

It does not require any flame retardant substance and therefore does not generate toxic gases in case of fire. LanaTerm insulation practically acts as a fire barrier.

50 mm  EUR 9,43 /sqm
100 mm EUR 18 / sqm
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Post@greenbuilt.no / +47 47847774